Sorry, again

Right, so our negligence of this so-called blog has become historic. While the drought in posting came literally days after we declared our commitment to blogging more, I have one argument. And it’s a weak one:

I figured since Bethany posted something for the first time, we would be good for about a month. That was a big deal, right?

But my logic is probably flawed. So, once again, sorry to all the people (moms and carrie) who have missed us. Someday I’ll learn to be consistent.

What’s up with our lives right now, you ask? Well, we’re both entirely distracted by work and the fact that it has been 65+ degrees and sunny everyday this week, including a few days in the mid-70s. Eat it Ohio!

Bethany is ready for the summer. She’s been saying that since late September, though.

The Fayetteville Observer job that I interviewed for fell through – they went from hiring two reporters to laying off two – so I’m in Rocky Mount for a while longer. Although, things don’t seem to be going much better there. I received my writing awards last night at the banquet that I mentioned before. You know, the one I was pumped to bring my wife to. But there was an unfortunate twist. The paper lost so much money the last two months, the higher-ups are cutting expenses wherever they can, and so, spouses were un-invited.

I was more upset about it than Bethany, I guess. I just wanted to see her in that dress!

And although I bumped into the editors at the Fayetteville paper last night while holding my awards, and even though they said they would have hired me in a heart-beat had economics not turned sour, the demise of my industry has me thinking about maybe going back to school. Not to abandon journalism or writing, but simply to broaden my options.

Do you think I would make a good teacher?

Bethany said I’d be better off dead … whatever that means. I’m hoping it’s not a threat.

Anyway, for those of you who actually stumble over to this site thinking we might update it, answer me this: If you could go back to school and be whatever you wanted when you grow up, what career would you choose?

5 Responses to “Sorry, again”

  1. First of all it’s about freaking time you you wrote again!! I was going into a big depressed state of mind not hearing from you guys!!! Congratulations on your award. I’m sorry that Bethany couldn’t go with you because she would of been the prettiest wife there! Now after saying that I believe you would make a great teacher. Maybe Bethany is just afraid that you could be as good as a teacher as her! Nothing wrong with having 2 great teachers in the family. If I went back to school it would have to be about American history. I love learning about things that happened a long time ago . I love you guys alot and miss you!!!


    Now, I think you would be a great teacher….but Rae knows how hard it is…so……but really, I don’t think there’s anything you CAN’T do, to be honest. You got it goin on! Go for it!

  3. Environmental economics.

    You asked.

  4. If you want to do teaching, I think you should teach some sort of high school writing or journalism class. The plus about doing something like that would be that you wouldn’t really have standards to abide by and you may not have to do much adding on to your current degree. And if a job like that exists, its probably in a good school district b/c they’ll have more funding for that kind of thing. Though, you may also not get paid as much as other teachers (which already isn’t that much). Also, I have no clue if a job like that exists.

  5. I have also thought about going back to school to be a teacher. My thought process goes something like this. “I should have been a teacher. Right now I make as much money as my sister does in her 1st year of teaching and she 1. Has a pension, 2. Gets the summer off. 3. Gets snow days. 4. deals with kids all day long. #4 is the deal breaker for me….thoughts of Reach Akron for 9 hours a day scares me to death!

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